Ashby, Mary Charles Adams

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Ashby, Mary Charles Adams
Mary Charles Adams Ashby (Chi 1958/Shepherd) attended Shepherd College (now Shepherd University), where she was initiated into Chi Chapter in 1958. During her time as a collegiate member, she served as Pledge Director and Chapter Secretary, as well as on numerous committees. Mary received the Collegiate Top Tau award, was the Alpha Sigma Tau Outstanding Senior, was listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, and received the Shepherd College Outstanding Leadership Award.  

Mary was a beloved figure in both her collegiate and alumnae days. She made friends everywhere she went and valued and maintained the friendships over the years. She especially enjoyed attending Alpha Sigma Tau Conventions. Asked to step in for the Chi Chapter delegate soon after her initiation, Mary attended her first National Convention in 1958. She attended every subsequent Convention until her last, in 2000, making friends and renewing bonds of sisterhood at every opportunity.

During her time at Shepherd College, Mary earned her bachelor's degree in physical education. After college, she taught physical education, English, and speech for 12 years. She also married and had two children. The rest of her time she devoted to volunteering, both in her community and for Alpha Sigma Tau, actually billing herself as a “professional volunteer.” She served her community on the PTA, library board, as a journalist, and as an officer of a local business association.

Starting in 1964, Mary served Alpha Sigma Tau in a string of national positions, including as Examinations Chairman, Program Chairman, District President, National Chaplain, Director of Collegiate Chapters, and NPC Alternate Delegate. In 1992, Mary was elected National President and served until 1996. For her service to the Sorority, she was honored with the Order of the Yellow Rose Award and the Ada A. Norton Award. 

Mary passed away in 2002. After her death, Alpha Sigma Tau recognized her contributions to the Sorority by renaming both the alumna and collegian Convention Top Tau Awards to the Mary Charles Adams Ashby Convention Top Tau Award.