Robinson, Dorothy Bennett

From collection Member List

Robinson, Dorothy Bennett
Dorothy Bennett Robinson (Pi 1930/Harris-Stowe) attended Harris Teachers College and was an original member of Rho Phi Gamma, a local sorority. When Pi Chapter was installed in 1930 at what is now Harris-Stowe State University, Dorothy was one of the charter members. She was chosen as May Queen during her senior year and graduated with honors. Three years after graduating, she married Carl Robinson, with whom she had three children.

Dorothy devoted much effort and time to Alpha Sigma Tau throughout the years. She was very involved in establishing the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter. In 1938, she accepted her first appointment to the National Staff, serving as National Program Chairman. She was elected National Vice President of the Southwestern District in 1940, serving until 1949, when she was elected to the office of National President. After her retirement from the presidency, she served as the Executive Secretary of the National Council until 1959.

During her time serving the Sorority, Dorothy was actively involved in establishing several collegiate and alumnae chapters. One of the major projects she undertook during her presidency was the preparation of a National Sorority Directory, which required the cooperation of all the alumnae representatives and many volunteers at the Central Office. Without that project and its continued maintenance, the Central Office would not have been able to provide many of the services that are now seen as routine.

Dorothy’s personal life was also filled with service. She was President of both the Woman's Society of Christian Services and the Mothercraft Class at her church. Both Dorothy and her husband were avid and accomplished musicians. They, along with one of their sons, played in the St. Louis Philharmonic Orchestra.

Dorothy died on May 12, 1970, after a short illness.