Peterson, Mary Alice Seller

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Peterson, Mary Alice Seller
Mary Alice Seller Peterson (Iota 1926/Emporia) was born in Iowa in 1895 and received her bachelor and master degrees from Indiana University. Mary taught high school for several years, then accepted an assistant professorship in Latin at Kansas State Teachers College. She came to Alpha Sigma Tau in a different manner than most members, being initiated while serving as Iota Chapter’s faculty advisor in 1926. 

Mary served as President of the Western District from 1937 to 1940 and, later, as President of the Central District. In 1952, she was appointed National Standards Chairman. She was also the first Ritual Chairman, during which time she wrote the Creed, established the meaning of the symbols on the Sorority shield, and designed the official candleholder. In 1955, Mary was elected National President and she served until 1964.

In her personal life, Mary found great satisfaction in participating in various activities, helping others as often as she could. She was active in civic, church, club, and community activities throughout her life. She also traveled extensively, including a trip around the world in 1962.

In 1972, Alpha Sigma Tau established the Mary Alice Peterson Social Service Award (later changed to the Mary Alice Peterson Grant). The award was established in appreciation of her capable, dedicated, and tireless leadership during her presidency as well as in recognition of her lifelong interest, compassion, and empathy in helping others.

Mary Alice Seller Peterson passed away on November 25, 1985.